How To Build an Adsense Website

The best way to learn something is to start doing it. This is a guide to get your up and standing on your own feet and making money with Adsense in a relatively short space of time. There's a lot to take in here but don't be put off by the foreign sounding nature of it all. If you persist everything will come together.

The fundamental fact is that Adsense is the easiest way to start making money online. With a very basic website and just a few people coming to it you will start to earn money. As you develop the site and bring more traffic to it an average Adsense monetized website will make between $500 and $1,000 each and every month with little work needed.

Desipte this, most webmasters struggle and the reason is that they are trying to make a massive amount of money very fast and are consequently not breaking each aspect of the process down to its basics. The reality is that from a standing start it is not possible to make $XX,XXX from Adsense in a very short space of time..

People who make a lot of money with Adsense have done one of two things:

1. They have Integrated Adsense into a website that already has high traffic ( is the extreme example of this), or

2. They have built a large network of niche websites each of which generates $500 - $1,000 a month. If you build 50 (which over the space of a year or two is completely feasible if you take my above example), you can earn up to about $50,000 a month which equals out to $600,000 a year - pretty good for a network of what are fundamentally very basic websites. This is Adsense Empire Building territory.

Creating one very high traffic website or a large number of small niche websites requires a whole host of skills which you will not yet have. You only get these skills by learning, implementing what you've learnt and reflecting on what your implementation has told you.

As a beginner you have to start at the beginning - that's the rule of any game. As you learn and do more, building effective websites that make more and more money will get easier and easier. Don't be one of the many that are making marketeers rich by buying into their rhetoric of making big money quickly and without any effort. These people end up stopping before they even started.

So How Do You Get Started?

To make money with Adsense you need two things:

1. A website, and

2. Traffic to that website

The Adsense ads are integrated into number one (your website) and are clicked on by number two (your visitors). Without these two things you cannot make money from Adsense. Atart building your website here..